Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lady of the Dark - Etherez

Hey all.  Been a bit, busy what can I say. Anyway, wanted to dump some more images of one of the more important characters of this Graphic Novel I am working on.  This character is really fun to write and with the thanks of Karsten, really awesome to behold.  I really love what he's done with the description.  Still figuring somethings out here and there but all in all she looks great.

Etherez, the lady of the dark.  In the most simplest terms she is like a prison warden.  She is in charge of Hell.  And its a job she absolutely enjoys.  I mean, after all, if you don't enjoy the work you do then why do it for all eternity right?  Inside joke, nevermind.  A little more detail goes to explain that she is the superior demonic entity in Hell that has been charged with the commanding the overall operations of Hell.  Shipping and Receiving souls.  Handing out extra punishment if it is necessary and maintaining a direct link to the Man in the Clouds.  While she was made in His image to instil fear and horror she has an extremely playful side.  But she is capable of flipping her switch so fast that one moment you may be in her good graces and the next you may be in the way of her wrath.  Look for her in the coming Graphic Novel later but for now you can find her on stickers and shirts that me and the artist are working on.  I'll post on that later.  Here are a couple more images of Etherez.

This is a quick sketch Karsten did to see what she could look like sitting on her throne and kind of getting an idea of what her throne might look like in general.

This is a potential sticker.  Not sure about the lettering right now.  Different font and words perhaps.  Will know soon and then post on it and expect to see some purchases.  hehe.

This was a good close up he did for me.  He was playing with the eyes.  Originally I asked for her eyes to be pure white with black dots in the middle but he thought that might be too bland and not portray emotion very well and even specific eye line.  I love the deep black of the eyeball itself surrounding the bright white pupils.  Looks great.  He also had the idea for the jewelry on the horns which I think looks great.  Also really love the work he has done on the wings in general as the first image can show.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Character Sketches for New Project

Hey everybody.  Been a bit since I last posted but not to fret I got some more images to dump on you.  I've really enjoyed working with Karsten so far.  He and I seem to click on a lot of things.  I rarely have to suggest changes to how characters look.  I think he got the female character down sport on with the first go.  Working on some fun merchandise for the story with Karsten as well.  I'll be using them to help promote the story, get some buzz going and start a fundraiser soon for it.  Here's to the future.

Some images of Gerry and Maybelle.  They are a couple and get to go to Hell together, isn't that sweet.  Anyway, enough chit-chat, here are some images.  I think I'm going to put up some of the script soon too to whet your whistles and maybe get some people to spread the word in their own circles about this cool-awesome-neat-super-project that is being made by some hard working independent folks.   *wink-wink*

Gerry's got a nice jacket, don't ya think?  As you can see it is going to be taking a lot of damage as he treks through Hell.  A long arduous trip both for him and his creators.  But no time for sleep.  Got to keep moving forward and get this beauty going.  It's going to be a great time.

Till then, Peace